Using a 24" x 36" sheet of (intended for ducting) sheet metal ($10) and rivet tool + rivets ($15) I was able to take a 14" x 8" opening and create a 4" deep reducer down to a 14" x 4" opening.
This way, this can be an insert into an existing duct and “boot”/box that takes an 8" pipe of heat into a 4" deep 14" x 8" box. It can then exhale the heat into a 14" x 4" vent.
Why the insert you ask? Hint: house was built in 1960. Guess what the most common way to insulate ductwork and boxes/registers/boots was back then? ASBESTOS, YAY!
So while we don’t know it is for sure, it sure looks like it (inspectors clued us in, t00). So we not gonna mess w/ the box/ductwork that is in relatively good shape and not cut it, etc.
This is all part of a Bigger Project of redecoration we are doing at the bunny fort.
Nothing yet.