Hugo Future Imperfect Slim

Tracey Jaquith · PoohBot Pictures

Technophile · Optimist · Cyclist · Archivist · Design · Video · TV · Nomad · Docker

tracey pooh

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A little (more about me)

our extra fluffy kitteh of luff I have a twin! It's true!
Russ and Tracey

I’m into software, UI/UX, video, biking, time-lapse photography, sewing, design, lighting, and interior decorating.

Tracey moved (after 6 years in San Francisco) to a little mountain 🐮 town – the Montclair district in the Oakland hills.

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About PoohBot Pictures

PoohBot Pictures is one of my outside-of-work interests, focusing on digital video, shorts, and video production. Click here for some more info (which I’m in progress of editing).

My Work and Resumé

I’m presently working at Internet Archive. You can see my work history and educational info as well as my resumé.

About this site

[2019] Migrated to Hugo – a static site engine written in Go. (I migrated from wordpress).

  • I now write in Markdown - very natural and simple.
  • Using website theme: Hugo Future Imperfect Slim
  • I’m using GitLab to host the entire website in a single code repository. It very nicely auto builds/deploy upon each git push. It’s totally free except for the domain name modest annual fee.
  • Some details about the migration.

[2010] I’ve finally taken the plunge to the ubiquitous wordpress as the basis of my completely rewritten (June 2010) website, using a custom plugin and custom new HTM/CSS/JS “slide-responsively” that I wrote, which is inspired by “sliding-door” theme. That gives me the bloglike nature, comments, search, and such.

Aside from customizing the theme, I took a lot of my old pages that were the basis of my old site, converted them from HTML+JS to PHP+HTML and setup some hooks for these pages to render using my static PHP files for the content of the “page/post content” (the page content is “empty” in the wordpress DB for these pages). This allows me nicely to have a small set of static pages I mostly manage and edit externally, but they still get the overall theme, comments, tags, and such.


Say Something


Eric Tang's Gravatar

Hi Tracey,

How are you? We met at Demuxed last year.

I wanted to invite you to join me for an event I’m organizing the day after Demuxed, focused on the future decentralized video technology. The event is for video engineers building or interested in decentralized video infrastructure and applications. We’re curating the guest list and limiting it to 30 engineers in the space, and I think your perspective and experience would be hugely valuable. Through a series of informal break-outs and lightning talks, you’ll walk away with clear examples of how decentralization is shifting the paradigm of video tech, along with an understanding of challenges ahead.

Please save the date and RSVP (
Friday, October 19th
10 am – 5 pm
Soma, San Francisco

I’d love to see you there.

Eric Tang
CTO @ Livepeer

Jaime Ray's Gravatar

I met you two (Hunter / Tracey) online this evening through your many films. I must say that I am touched by these colorful, beautiful presentations of two very interesting lives.


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tracey is a nonstop dance party. so you dont have to. dont ask me about containers. thanks for dropping by today. you look nice.