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Tracey Jaquith · PoohBot Pictures

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tracey pooh

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i um, got a new toy. it actually is the transformers special edition. so if i wake up early some morning and surprise it still in its crimefighting autobot mode…

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birgit heblich's Gravatar

birgit heblich

Hi Tracey,
congrates to your Bumblebee !!!
Recently my husband and I bought one too, but it will last until 02/ or 03/2012.
Seeing your pics waiting will be pretty hard.
Greetings from Heidelberg/Germany
tracey pooh's Gravatar

wow, that’s a long time to wait, but I think you’ll find it worth the wait!
the backup camera (+ four sonar sensors in bumper) in the rearview mirror is *especially* brilliant
because it *is* a bit hard to see out the back.

it normally feels pretty “refined” but when pushed, gets its growl on 😎

congrats on your excellent taste in cars 😎

best regards, tracey

birgit heblich's Gravatar

birgit heblich


Hi Tracey,
I am Peter and I just found the post of you and my wife.
Yeah, it´s hard to wait and we couldn´t get warm with Mercedes and BMW.
Due to Birgit´s very serious problems wíth her discs we searched long time for a new car.
Refering to the fact that our boys will soon leave our house we thought of a ponycar, but Merceds and BMW brought some ugly pains to Birgit after sitting for less than 15 minutes.
By the way all these cars are very, very narrow…and expensive
Being very, very sceptical Birgit tried the Camaro ..and….. nothing, no pain, only smooth sitting and a lot of space…. okay, gaz and tax on the Camaro will be an horror here in Germany, but it´s worth.
I´ll go to post some pics after our Bumblebee is in.
Have a great X-Mas and a happy new year
Peter and Birgit
tried several cars.
No comfort even the new OPEL seats.
She recently drove with the Merceds SLK of my mother and Birgit
We never drove a 430 horsepower car, especially not backwards, but it´s so easy.
I myself didn´t realized the backward camara. Birgit told me to look at the mirror …. hm…perhaps I should use the mirrors 🙂

I should use mirror I
At all II really don´t know what people think

birgit heblich's Gravatar

birgit heblich

oops..sorry Tracey forgot to delete the old sentences.
No wonder, thinking of Camaro makes me crazy.
it´s something fascinating on this car.
Take care
tracey pooh's Gravatar

Hi Peter,
Nice to “e-meet” you, too.
Sorry to hear about Birgit’s pain — but glad that you found something that seemed to be pretty good given the situation. That rear cam is great — I still have a hard time not wanting to swing around and look and put my right arm across the seatback when in reverse. 😎

I know what you mean about the Mercs and Beemers — Hunter (boyfriend) has a Beemer 3-series wagon. I like it a lot and it has the sport package so it *is* very very quick feeling and “twitchy” — but BM/Merc/Audi (to me) just have gotten to be a bit “expected” in looks compared to years past and just dont quite have close to that raw oozing interest and looks of the camaro! And cheaper, too!

The waiting will be difficult but I think it will be worth it. What colors did you settle on? I think you are getting the V-8 version, right?

Best regards from across the pond,

I can imagine the wait is going to be

Heblich, Birgit's Gravatar

Heblich, Birgit

Hi Tracey,
wow, long time, but now it became real:
Our Bumblebee is in and its V8 sounds great 🙂 .
Unfortunately I am not able to mail you some pics, but feel free to have a look to the German Camaro-Fan-Forum:
There are some pics at the gallery and our user name is IDEFIX (the small person behind Bumblebee is me 🙂 )
Have a special look to the trunk :):
A US dealer did a special job for me … a great job… 🙂
I hope it works and you can have a look to the gallery !!!!!!
Have a great weekend
Birgit Heblich

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tracey is a nonstop dance party. so you dont have to. dont ask me about containers. thanks for dropping by today. you look nice.