Hugo Future Imperfect Slim

Tracey Jaquith · PoohBot Pictures

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tracey pooh

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This is it! The big cheese! Join us to the Dark Side and complete your training!! muhahahahaaaaa!

What better way to celebrate over two seasons of training than to cap it off with this legendary longest climb in the Bay Area!

We “warm up” with the 22 mile “Three Bears” infamous (but doable by now) loop.

We then head east through the flat canyons and do nearly 4000 feet of climbing up Mt. Diablo to the amazing summit! (Riders will have an option to do 1/2 the Diablo climb, to the ranger station, since the top part leaves and returns from the ranger station).

Riders can opt to skip the top half of Mt. Diablo as well (since riders doing the entire climb loop back to the same midpoint).

Mt. Diablo is of a legendary status in ancient folklore. It also is home to some flowers that grow nowhere else in the world. We have seen coyotes, eagles, foxes, snakes, deer, and even a tarantula (!) on our prior trips up and down the summit.

The South Gate bottom half climb was recently repaved and regraded so it makes for a nice and constant uphill climb to get into your “zone” while the warm sun shines on your back. This is the biggest peak in the Bay Area, and makes for a suitable final weekend challenging and rewarding ride just before the Big Ride in June!

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We *did* it!
After Tracey’s bike-on-bike collision last week, I was amazed to be able to complete the entire ride, leading it with Hunter.

We rode with 21 riders total — our biggest group ride yet! It started cold, foggy, *very* windy, and 49 degrees! At the top of Diablo it was 85 degrees and blazing sun. What a day!

A small number of riders only went up to the halfway point. The rest made it up and down safely, phew! Everyone was able to keep a decent pace and everyone had good experience climbing hills on bikes!

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tracey is a nonstop dance party. so you dont have to. dont ask me about containers. thanks for dropping by today. you look nice.