decaf 1978 honda CB400A speedometer and instruments replaced!November 18, 2012tracey pooh1-Minute ReadOK, so I sorted out all my re-wiring and was able to replace my stock honda huge instrument cluster with a much smaller and streamlined single mini-speedometer with four instrument lights combined in it.
Test fit of “decaf” CB400A smaller speedometer & instrument lightsNovember 8, 2012tracey pooh1-Minute ReadSpeedo and relocated ignition bolted in to good spots while I figure out the wiring.
decaf honda CB400A replacement & consolidated speedometer ordered!October 30, 2012tracey pooh1-Minute ReadGoing with Dime City Cycles nice mini speedometer
replacing CB400A instruments to smaller cafe racer styleOctober 28, 2012tracey pooh1-Minute ReadToday I did much more than I thought I would – I pulled out and disconnected all instruments and relocated the ignition/key switch.
decaf! Honda CB400A automatic cafe racer. I’ve been a bad girl today….October 14, 2012tracey pooh1-Minute ReadToday Hunter helped me inspect, test-drive, buy, and drive 100+ miles home from a mom-n-pop custom bike modifier in California’s central valley.