Hugo Future Imperfect Slim

Tracey Jaquith · PoohBot Pictures

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tracey pooh

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Gran Turismo 5

more silly fun with the playstation. a very hopped up yellow 2006 ford GT with custom wheels and tons of engine mods. the rear wheel drive and crazy power makes sliding around the track a lot of fun…

tracey pooh

1-Minute Read

I’ve been having fun racing the boyfriend on the PS3 game “Gran Turismo 5”.
Turns out the quite recent and relatively new Nissan GT-R is a totally insane car – 4WD and one of the largest engines Japan has made plus supercharging.

tracey pooh

1-Minute Read

Hunter and I really really liked this film shown on PBS this week. It nicely wanders in its storytelling and is really thoughtfullly done. John Adams (I think) said his best piece of lawyer-ing was defending the British in Boston after the Boston Massacre. The military officer who defended the Gitmo detainee here is a true American hero.

tracey pooh

1-Minute Read

I just listened to this as a podcast and then watched the video online after that.  It’s a really interesting slice and view into the Iraq war – where they just focus on one specific platoon.  “Wounded” refers more to the psychological rather than physical wounds – although the latter relates to the former…

tracey pooh

1-Minute Read

star wars comparison of two films
star wars comparison of two films

So I wanted to sit down in my updated home theatre and watch one of my favorite films, “Star Wars”. Problem is, I have two versions on DVD, and neither are ideal. The 2004 DVD version has remastered audio and video, but also added scenes and changes I really don’t like. The 1977 DVD version is a poor quality transfer and encoding.

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tracey is a nonstop dance party. so you dont have to. dont ask me about containers. thanks for dropping by today. you look nice.