Hugo Future Imperfect Slim

Tracey Jaquith · PoohBot Pictures

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tracey pooh

4-Minute Read

things turning me on this week
☕enjoy with a hot cupa java/script
JavaScript is mental now with deno — forget node npm package.json node_modules and everything you growed up on. This 🦕 changes everything!

About a year ago, an amazing coworker who shall remain anonymous ([COUGH] Drini), casually mentioned “Deno” in a team meeting (~12 of us). They mentioned Ryan Dahl, the creator of node, created this as The Next Thing. I’d never heard of it, checked it out, got excited and was… deflated seeing full urls in import statements (instead of relative urls) since that wasn’t compatible with browsers.

When a tech idea & premise is so good with a fatal flaw, I tend to revisit periodically…

3 months ago, to my amazement – all the main browsers were totally loading full urls, eg:

import $ from ''

“Cancel my appointments for the month!” — I dove in immediately to kick the tires on the back-end and see if fully replacing node for deno in my work (mostly backend) main repository for TV, audio & video, containing 30,000+ JS lines, might work.

In under 3 months, I migrated the entire repository to Deno.

Here’s a nice browser example:

Pay special attention to the top and later import statements here.

You can load logical npm modules directly from the web (!) 😍

Omitting (just) the pie chart setup clutter (it’s a lot of JSON config for the data – you can see the full source here):

import $ from ''
import dayjs from ''
import * as d3v7 from ''

import { log } from '../js/util/log.js'

window.d3 = { version: '7.0.0', ...d3v7 }

  <style>.card { width: 40%; margin: 3%; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; }</style>
  <div id="x" class="card card-body bg-light">
    <h1>bootstrap hai whirld</h1>
    no real idea why it's working to \`import\` with urls starting with 'https://' now!
    <p> working in (at least): chrome, safari, firefox, safari iOS</p>
  <div class="card card-body bg-light">
    <p>.. that doesnt work in \`node\` for example.</p>
    <p>.. but natively works in \`deno\`!</p>
  <div class="card card-body bg-light">
    <h2>some dayjs stuff</h2>
    ${dayjs().format('dddd MMMM D, YYYY h:mma')}<br>
    ${dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}<br>
    ${dayjs().startOf('month').add(1, 'day').set('year', 2018)
    .format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}<br>
  <div class="card card-body bg-light">
    <h2>user privacy</h2>
    <a href=""></a>
    -- at
    <a href=""></a>
import dayjs from ''
import $ from ''

  <div id="pieChart"></div>
$('#x h1').hide().fadeIn('slow')

async function dpie() {
  const d3pie = (await import('')).default

  const pie = new d3pie('pieChart', {

void dpie()

Look how clean that is!

No need to npm install – no need for npm or node whatsoever.

You can load JS from npm packages transpiled-on-the-fly to import-able JS via, (we host one of these on our site for user privacy), and more.

It’s hard to fully articulate how weightless it feels to develop multiple repos, all without any kind of npm install or setup – and just load JS files directly into the browser or backend.

You can now make websites, blogs, and more entirely free, committed to and hosted at or – no backend needed.

Here’s a fun example of charting Live Music concerts stored at that I live coded for Aaron Swartz Day 2021 where everything is hosted free at github:

band recordings per year site

band recordings per year source

I’m shook!

(and won’t go back)

❤️ 🦕


BTW, it took a couple months to migrate, not because migrating node => deno is particularly involved or long.

The conversion took awhile because:

  • major delay due to needing to find a minimal porting setup for code lint, test, and coverage. Ultimately, though deno lint is good (and blazing fast) — at this point — eslint is still better. I also didn’t want to change my expectations based ES Modules mocha test files too much. My next Teco Tuesday post will be about a nice testing & coverage setup.
  • I decided it was time to move all synchronous/blocking network and shell-out calls to async i/o
  • I decided not to use any of the available node-compatible layer – and instead switch everything to native deno.

(There’s only 2 files presently using a single node-compatible emulation readdir() call, since I already had performant complex async i/o doing parallel processing with it, running live 24x7, that I didn’t want to destabilize, eg:

import { readdir } from ''

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tracey is a nonstop dance party. so you dont have to. dont ask me about containers. thanks for dropping by today. you look nice.